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2. Davison S, Lee E, Martorell?s Ulcer Revisited Wounds; 15(6):208-12, July 2003.
3. Pelletiere C, Lee E, Spear S, Thoracic Hypoplasia: A Unique Syndrome Plastic and
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4. Deleyiannis FWB, Rogers C, Lee E, et al. Prognosis as a determinant of free flap
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6. Sood A, Paik A, Lee E, Lower Lip Reconstruction: Karapandzic Flap, ePlasty, Jan
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7. Pastor C, Therattil P, Lee E, Primary Rhinoplasty, ePlasty, Jan 15, 2013, v13, e
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8. Ingargiola M, Daniali L, Lee E, Granick M, Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, ePlasty,
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9. Claffey K, Farrell K, Tanks S, Oliver M, Torres J, Gill C, Lee E, Telehealth
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| 10. Maerki J, Ahmed S, Lee E, Primary Mucinous Carcinoma of the Skin, ePlasty June 18,
11. Bongu A, Lee ES, Peters SR, Chokshi RJ, Locally Aggressive and Multicentric
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12. Ingargiola MJ, Daniali LN, Lee E, Does the Application of Incisional Negative
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13. Paik A, Sood A, Murth L, Eloy J, Lee E A look inside the courtroom: an analysis of
292 cosmetic breast surgery malpractice cases, Aesthetic Surgery Journal Jan 2014
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14. Paik A, Mady LJ, Sood A, Lee E Beyond the operating room: A look at legal
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15. Sood A, Therattil PJ, Paik AM, Simspon MF, Lee ES, Treatment of dupuytren disease
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16. Heller DS, Houck K, Lee ES, Granick MS, Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the abdominal
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17. Parcells AL, Lee ES, Fleegler EJ: Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Hand. J Hand Surg
Am, 2014 Jul:39(7):1421-3. |
| 18. Hoppe IC, Kordahi AM, Paik AM, Lee ES, Granick MS, Pediatric facial fractures as a
result of gunshot injuries: an examination of associated injuries and trends in
management, J Craniofac Surg 2014, 25(2) 400-405. PMID 24561367.
19. Therattil PJ, Hoppe IC, Granick MS, Lee ES: Application of the h-Index in
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20. Parcells AL, Lee ES, Fleegler EJ, Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Hand, Jul 2014;
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21. Hoppe IC, Kordahi AM, Paik AM, Lee ES, Granick MS: Examination of Life-
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22. Chung S, Sod A, Lee ES, Principles of Management in Isolated Dorsal DIP joint
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23. Hoppe IC, Kordahi AM, Paik AM, Lee ES, Granick MS, Age and sex-related differences
in 431 pediatric facial fractures at a level 1 trauma center, J Cranio-maxillofacial
Surgery, Oct 2014, 1408-11, PMID 24864073.
24. Paik AK, May L, Sood A, Elroy JA, Lee E, A Look Inside the Courtroom: An analysis
of 292 Cosmetic Breast Surgery Medical Malpractice Cases. Plast Reconstr Surgy, 2014,
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25. Paik Am, May L, Sood A, Lee E, Beyond the Operting Room: A Look at Legal
Liability in Body Contouring Procedures. Plast Reconstr Surgery, 2014, Oct:13 |
| 26. Viviano SL, Hahn E Jr, Lee ES, Keith JD: The Leech Condo: An Innovative Approach
to Containing Leeches on a Congested Flap. Eplasty, 2015, Apr 8:15:ic21, PMID 25987944.
27. Karian LS, Chung SY, Lee ES: Reconstruction of Defects After Fournier Gangrene:
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28. Hoppe IC, Kordahi AM, Lee ES, Granick MS: Pediatric Facial Fractures:
Interpersonal Violence as a Mechanism of Injury. J Craniofac Surg 2015 Jul:26(5): 1446-9.
PMID: 26106996. |