Opler, DJ, Hahn, S; Chapter 12: Stimulants; In: Pocket Guide to Addiction Assessment and Treatment; Levounis, P, Zerbo, E, Aggarwal, R; 237-264; American Psychiatric Association Publishing, Arlington, Virginia; 2016. |
| Opler, DJ; A practical approach to interviewing a somatizing patient; Current Psychiatry, July 2017.
| Iyer, V, Opler, DJ; Rare case report of contrast induced encephalopathy without supportive radiological findings; Current Psychiatry, Forthcoming 2017.
| Punia, V, Opler DJ, Aggarwal, R; 8 tests rolled into a mnemonic to detect weakness in suspected conversion disorder; Current Psychiatry, September 2014. |
| Opler, DJ; Haldol Classic; The Journal of Humanistic Psychiatry, Volume 2, Issue 3:6-7, 2014. |
| Opler, DJ (April 2013). The Art and Science of Connection. The Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine weblog. http://theejbm.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/the-art-and-science-of-connection/ |
| Aggarwal, R, Guzman, S, Opler, DJ, Rottnek, M, Zerbo, E, Batista, S; Addiction: What CL psychiatrists need to know; Workshop presented at the 61st meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, November 2014. |
| Richmond, K, Benitez, M, and Opler, DJ; Unilateral auditory hallucinations associated with subjective unilateral hearing loss and a pinnal mass: a case report; Poster presented at IPS: The Mental Health Services Conference, October 2015. |
| Carlson, R, Opler, DJ, Park, A, Marcus, P, and Nicolson, SE; Two Cases of Tacrolimus-induced Psychosis Associated with Low to Normal Tacrolimus Levels; Presented at the 62nd meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, November 2015. |
| Nicolson, S, Opler, DJ, Matus, J, O?Dowd, M, Levenson, J; Humor as a Potent Tool for the Consultation Psychiatrist; Workshop presented at the 62nd meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, November 2015. |