1. Aguilar G, Cordova F, Koning T, Boric MP, Birukov K, Cancino J, Varas-Godoy M, Soza A, Alves
NG, Mujica PE, Duran WN, Ehrenfeld P, Sanchez FA. (2021). TNF-a activated eNOS signaling
increases leukocyte adhesion through the S-nitrosylation pathway. Am J Physiol: Heart & Circulatory
Physiology. 321: H1083-H1095. |
| 2. Guequen A, Zamorano P, Cordova F, Koning T, Torres A, Ehrenfeld P, Boric MP, Salazar-Onfray F,
Gavard J, Duran WN, Quezada C, Sarmiento JM, Sanchez FA. (2019). Interleukin-8 secreted by
glioblastoma cells induces microvascular hyperpermeability through NO signaling involving S-
nitrosylation of VE-cadherin and p120 in endothelial cells. Front. Physiol. Vol 10: pp. 1-12. |
| 3. Ehrenfeld P, Cordova F, Duran WN, Sanchez FA. (2019). S-nitrosylation and its role in breast
cancer angiogenesis and metastasis. Nitric Oxide 87:52-59. |
| 4. Korayem AH, Mujica PE, Aramoto H, Duran RG, Nepali PR, Kim DD, Harris AL, Sanchez FA and
Duran WN (2017). Endothelial cAMP deactivates ischemia/reperfusion-induced microvascular
hyperperme-ability via Rap1-mediated mechanisms. Am J Physiol: Heart & Circ Physiol. 313: H179 -
H189. |
| 5. Zamorano P, Marin N, Cordova F, Aguilar A, Meininger C, Boric MP, Golenhofen N, Contreras J,
Sarmiento J, Duran WN, Sanchez FA (2017). S-nitrosylation of VASP at cysteine 64 mediates
inflammation stimulated increase in microvascular permeability. Am J Physiol: Heart & Circ Physiol. 313:
H66 - H71. |
| 6. Crawford JM, Lal BK, Duran WN, Pappas PJ. (2017) Pathophysiology of venous ulceration. J Vasc
Surg Ven Lymph Dis. 5: 596 - 605. |
| 7. Guequen A, Carrasco R, Zamorano P, Rebolledo L, Burboa P, Sarmiento J, Boric MP, Korayem
A, Duran WN, Sanchez FA. (2016). S-nitrosylation regulates VE-cadherin phosphorylation and
internalization in microvascular permeability. Am. J. Physiol.: Heart Circ. Physiol. 310: H1039 - 1044. |
| 8. Duran WN, Sanchez FA. (2016). New member of endothelial arsenal against inflammation. Circ.
Res. 19:178-180. |
| 9. Deitch EA, Condon M, Feketeova E, Machiedo GW, Mason L, Vinluan G, Vamsi A, Tomaio JN.,
Fishman JE, Duran WN, Spolarics Z. (2014). Trauma-hemorrhagic shock induces a CD36-dependent
RBC endothelial-adhesive phenotype. Crit Care Med 42(3): e200-e210. |
| 10. Duran WN, Beuve AV, Sanchez FA. (2013). Nitric oxide, S-nitrosation and endothelial permeability.
IUBMB Life. 65:819-826.
Complete List of Published Work - See links Tab |