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| Rajwani, K, Scarpone, J, Rovi, S, Atkin, S: Provision of Prophylaxis to Rape Victims in an ED/Level I Trauma Center. Poster and abstract presentation. The American College of Emergency Physicians, New York Regional Meeting, 2003. |
| Quadrel M, Lavery RF, Jaker M, Atkin S, Cody R: A Prospective, Random Trial of Epinephrine, Metaproterenol, and Epinephrine and Proterenol in the Prehospital Treatment of Adult Asthma. (Abstract) Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1994;9: S55. Presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the National Association of EMS Physicians, August, 1994. |
| Quadrel M, Atkin S, Jaker M: Monitoring the Patient for Toxicity During the Administration of Intravenous Pentamidine. Poster and abstract presentation. The Seventh International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy. 1991. |
| Gestring ML, Lombardo JM, Atkin SH, Jaker MA, Swan KG: Seroprevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection among Trauma Patients in Newark, New Jersey. Clinical Research 1991; 39:861A. |